GTTP summer schools in Uruguay

GTTP summer schools in Uruguay

The Observatorio de Astronomía del Instituto de Profesores Artigas in partnership with the Observatorio de Montevideo (IAVA), the Institute of Physics of the  Faculty of Science and the Asociación de Aficionados a la Astronomía del Uruguay and GTTP Uruguay is organizing two courses for teachers. The courses are intended to develop lifelong learning for teachers but also to target students of the Institute. The project also aims to foster Astronomy Outreach.


State of the Art for Astronomy Education (GTTP Israel)

Imagine a place where teachers and young students can take a journey
into space, without ever leaving their home or classroom.
An educational place with practical and computer-based activities to inspire and excite them, while supporting the National Curriculum.

A place that give a vision of the future, while bonding the population
at the middle east, using real science and educational opportunities in
space and Earth science topics.  That is the main core of the Bareket observatory Astro-Edu Net program.

Europlanet Best Practice Guide

Europlanet Best Practice Guide

We are very delighted to share with all of you the “Europlanet Best Practice Guide – Outreach Activities aimed at Schools and Teachers”, which has just been  launched!

The Europlanet Outreach Team and Steering Committee have teamed up with the Galileo Teacher Training Programme (GTTP) to produce this set of best practice guidelines for outreach activities targeted at schools and teachers. We believe that it may be very useful in helping prepare scientists to better communicate with their audiences whether talking to schools, organising activities for schools or organising teaching training sessions.

GTTP@ESA Second Edition

GTTP@ESA Second Edition

The second joint GTTP / ESA session will take place in Amsterdan from 7 to 10 December 2010. Science Teachers of Secondary schools in Europe are invited to attend the training session that will take place at the NEMO Science Centre in the Netherlands.

GTTP 2010 — Grants Results

The IAU and UNESCO has earmarked a certain amount of funding to support IYA2009 related projects and activities in developing regions. This call for proposals comes via the Galileio Teacher Training Program cornerstone project and is thus targeted at providing seed funding and basic support to empower teacher training workshops in developing regions.

Although the initial intention was to fund 10 workshops, GTTP decided to use the Mani Bhaumik Prize for Astronomy Excellence Funds to provide 2 more grants.

The countries with projects selected are:

Macedonia, Zambia, Armenia, Gabon, Malta, Morocco, Nepal (combined), Sri-Lanka, Mozambique, Jamaica, Mongolia and Vietnam.


First GTTP Session for Portuguese Speaking African Countries

First GTTP Session for Portuguese Speaking African Countries

The Galileo Teacher Training Programme (GTTP) team in Portugal, still in the scope of IYA2009 national plan of activities and with the support of Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, has promoted the first GTTP training session for Portuguese speaking African countries (PALOP is the acronym in Portuguese). The session had 6 participants from: Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique and São Tomé and Prince. The Portuguese team was composed by astrophysicists and Galileo Teachers (GT). During one week the group had the opportunity to be exposed to several different types of tools and resources starting from the very simple ones, with very simple material ending with a robotic telescope observing session.