Organise GTTP
Galileo Teachers and Ambassadors
A Galileo Teacher (GT) is someone that has received training in a GTTP session and has successfully used and transferred the acquired knowledge and resources into classroom science curricula. The Galileo Teachers are equipped to train other teachers in these methodologies, leveraging the work begun during IYA2009 in classrooms everywhere.
To become a Galileo Teacher:
- Join a GTTP training session, use GTTP resources with your students and submit a report to info@galileoteachers.org.
A Galileo Ambassador (GA) is a promoter of GTTP sessions, i.e. an informal or formal educator who has successfully organised a GTTP workshop for teachers.
To become a Galileo Ambassador:
- Organise a GTTP session approved by GTTP Task Force and submit a summary report to the GTTP Task Force for evaluation (find out how below on this page).

Organize a GTTP Session
GTTP sessions aims to train teachers in the use of resources effectively in their astronomy curricula. Furthermore, GTTP assists educators to inspire students to take up science careers and bring them to a new level of proficiency in science culture.
A GTTP session needs to address some of the elementary themes of astronomy and use GTTP suggested resources and tools. In order to be certified, a session must promote the integration of the following methodologies and practices:
- Information Communication Technology (ICT) tools such as planetarium software, image processing software, simulators, etc. A list of resources and tools addressing each category can be found here: Resources (this section is being updated – please, contact us for more information).
- One or more topics of astronomy following a specific list of suggested topics.
- Inquiry and Project Based Learning and interdisciplinarity.
- Observations of the Sun and/or night sky (naked eye or with telescopes).
- At least one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
- The adoption of an inclusive approach (UDL for instance)
Note: these criteria can be discussed and relaxed in special circumstances.
The final programme of the GTTP session should be submitted to GTTP Task Force for the approval via email: info@galileoteachers.org
In order to receive official Galileo Teacher certificate from GTTP for all the participants, the session coordinator must submit a summary report of the session, photos and a list of names of the participants.
Note: Details from the report and photos will be shared with the rest of the GTTP Network through the website and social media.
For any inquires, please, contact us.