GTTP Newsletter #1

GTTP Newsletter #1

I am very pleased to announce the first GTTP newsletter. Its main purpose is to create a mechanism that will maintain everyone connected and shorten the distances between us. This is an effort to bring to the whole community all the amazing work everyone is doing,...

GTTP MoonDays Researchers

Do you have a question about the Moon? Ask a Space Scientist! During Lunar Week (10 – 15 May 2011) Professor Bernard Foing, a Space Scientist at the European Space Agency, will be answering your questions about the Moon. Perhaps you have always wondered what the Moon is made of, or how the Moon was formed, or even how humans or robots might explore the Moon in the future.

Want to become a researcher, explore a few resources and careers suggestions in this article


GTTP MoonDays

GTTP MoonDays


The GTTP MoonDays, is a collaborative activity of The  Galileo Teacher Training Programme and Astronomers Without Borders as part of the Global Astronomy Month 2011 . It will be launched during the Global Astronomy Month 2011.  It will be an invitation for educators, amateur astronomers, outreach promoters and everyone to observe and appreciate our natural satellite in a whole new way.  During GAM 2011, there will be a whole week devoted to exploration of the Moon (Lunar Week) as well as a selection of days spread throughout the month to embrace projects that require a longer time interval.  There will also be a set of dates throughout the whole year devoted to the exploration of the Moon, providing an opportunity for the completion of deeper research projects and a long-term exploration of our nearest neighbor.


GTTP MoonDays

GTTP MoonDays 2.0


We hope that GTTP MoonDays and GAM2011 will be a memorable moment for everyone to share ideas, good observing moments, show the sky, learn about our natural satellite etc. We hope you will share with us your memories and make them a treasure for the whole GTTP community.


Successful 1st  Workshop of  “Galileo Teacher Training Program” in Venezuela

Successful 1st Workshop of “Galileo Teacher Training Program” in Venezuela

The 1st GTTP workshop in Venezuela took place during February 1st and 2nd at the Centre for Research in Astronomy CIDA, The effort was organized by the Galileo Teacher Training (GTTP) ambassador in Venezuela, Prof. Enrique Torres (the outreach coordinator at CIDA) and members of the GTTP network. This event is the continuation of the astronomy training of teachers and multipliers effort, started in 2006 with the “Universe Awareness Programme”, a programme to inspire young children.

More than 30 teachers attended the 2nd Latin American GTTP Workshop


Between January 3rd to 7th, 33 teachers from Chile and other Latin American countries attended the second edition of Latinamerican GTTP Workshop, an Astronomy training initiative for teachers. The activity was organized by Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI) and National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO); University of California, Berkeley; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; Museo Interactivo Mirador; Universidad de La Serena; and Gemini-CONICYT Funding. It also counted on the collaboration of EXPLORA and Embassy of the United States in Chile.