Jan 18, 2012 | News
Bellow a call from the organizers of Globe at Night
Calling all Earthlings! Take a few minutes to get involved in the GLOBE at Night campaign to preserve dark skies! GLOBE at Night is a citizen-science campaign open to people all over the world to raise awareness of the impact of light pollution by inviting citizen-scientists to measure their night sky brightness and report their observations to a website from a computer or smart phone. Light pollution threatens not only our “right to starlight”, but can affect energy consumption, wildlife and health. Through 2011, people in 115 countries contributed 66,000 measurements, making GLOBE at Night one of the most successful light pollution awareness campaigns to date. Please join us to participate in the 2012 campaign an hour after sunset til about 10pm January 14 through 23, February 12 through 21, March 13 through 22, and April 11 through 20. For information and resources, visit us at www.globeatnight.org.
Jan 17, 2012 | News
With funding support from Europlanet and Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECyT), Observatorio Astronomico of Universidad de Valencia, Spain, manufactured a set tactile moons to be tested by different target groups. If you are interested on receiving one of this 3D printed Moon models, just write a letter of interest, explaining how you would test the tactile moon and what kind of teaching and outreach activities would you develop for this project.
The final model and selected activities will be made freely available at the GTTP website for everyone to enjoy. The users’ feedback will help improve the design and release a final and fully tested tactile model.
Jan 8, 2012 | GTTP Sessions, News
We are announcing 4 new Comenius and Gruntvig training events
© Babak Tafreshi (TWAN)
The first two events dates are already for the next call for application with deadline Januray 16th
Mysterious Skies – Astronomy and Astro-Art (in partnership with TWAN)
Bridges – Bridging the skies, the earth and the human beings
The following two have are taking place only during the next school year and the deadline will be April 30th.
Universe Quest – Building Games for Education (in partnership with Learnit3D)
In order to participate in these training events you need to fill the pre-registration form. We will send you a certificate or your pre-registration. With this document you have to apply to your national Comenius and Gruntvig Agency. If you succeed in your application you have to let us know (geral@nuclio.pt) or (info@galileoteachers.org) as soon as possible in order to confirm your participation and give you further information related to the course payment and other practical details
Nov 10, 2011 | News
Announcement of GTTP call for proposals results for 2012
With the support of the Las Cumbres Global Observatory and Telescope Network (LCOGT) we were able to issue a new call for proposals in 2012. The main aim of these small grants is to provide seed funding and basic support in order to stimulate teacher training workshops in developing regions. There were 23 submitted proposals and from those 9 were selected to receive the funding.
Oct 11, 2011 | News, Reports
This Year’s Physics Nobel Prize in the Genesis of Hands-On-Universe.
Saul Perlmutter, Brian P. Schmidt and Adam G. Riess won the award for their contribution to the discovery of Dark Energy, one of the most important turning points on our understanding of our Universe. Carl Pennypacker, president of the Global Hands-on Universe Association was a co-founder of the Supernova Cosmology Project (SCP), the project that led Perlmutter and his team to the discovery of Dark Energy. In the early days of the project Carl and some colleagues introduced the idea to schools and had actually students discovering supernovas in the classroom.
Sep 8, 2011 | GTTP Sessions, News
We have 2 new Gruntvig training events for the next call of applications (deadline September 16th)
© Babak Tafreshi (TWAN)
- Mysterious Skies – Astronomy and Astro-Art (in partnership with TWAN)
- Universe Quest – Building Games for Education (in partnership with Learnit3D)
In order to participate in these training events you need to fill the pre-registration form. We will send you a certificate or your pre-registration. With this document you have to apply to your national Comenius and Gruntvig Agency. If you succeed in your application you have to let us know (geral@nuclio.pt) or (info@galileoteachers.org) as soon as possible in order to confirm your participation and give you further information related to the course payment and other practical details.