The winners of the Inspiring Science Education Competition entitled Learning with Light were announced at the awards ceremony of the Science on Stage 2015 Festival in London. The two winners are: Rüdiger Weiss from the Wilhelm-Busch-Gymnasium in Germany for his entry entitled Glowing in the Dark – Darkening in the Glow and Carmen Diez Calzada from the Ernest Lluch Library in Spain for her entry Starlight, tell us who you are.
Prizes for the competition were presented to the winners and the finalists in the competition by Zsolt Fülöp, Atomki Hungary on behalf of EPS and Rosa Doran, NUCLIO, Portugal on behalf of ISE. The other finalists who took part in the Science on Stage Festival are:
• Alfonso D’Ambrosio, IIS Kennedy Monselice Padova, Italy An IBSE Approach to General Relativity
• Sotirios Mandiliotis, Laboratory Center of Natural Science of Serres (EKFE Serron) & Nikolaos Nerantzis, TEE & EPAL Eidikis Agigis, Serres, Greece Lasers & Bubbles
• Carla Ribeiro, Escola Artística de Soares dos Reis, Portugal The moons of Galileo Galilei

Alfonso, Sotirios, Nikolaos, Carla and Rüdiger taking part in the Awards ceremony in London
You can meet the winners and finalists on the ISE website where you can find out more about these inspirational teachers and the work that they do. Our special thanks go to everyone who took part and especially to the competition’s hard-working team of judges. In addition to the finalists, a further 10 entrants were given a Highly Commended award in recognition of the high quality of their entry, more information about these entrants is also available on the ISE website.
This competition organised by the Inspiring Science Education project was supported by EPS and Vernier Europe.