The ATLAS Experiment at CERN is one of the largest most complex scientific instruments ever constructed. It is designed to explore the inner universe, advancing our understanding of the basic building blocks of nature.
Ellinogermaniki Agogi (EA) and CERN Education & Outreach Group held a Google+ Hangout through Open Discovery Space (ODS) to demonstrate to teacher on how to organise a virtual visit to the ATLAS Experiment at CERN. The webinar was delivered by Dr. Angelos Alexopoulos (CERN) and Dr. Sofoklis Sotiriou (EA) straight from the control room of the ATLAS Experiment. Watch the recording below:
Open Discovery Space (ODS) is a socially-powered and multilingual open learning infrastructure to boost the adoption of eLearning resources. ODS brings millions of educational resources directly into school classrooms. A key part of planning engaging lessons is access to high-quality, trustworthy teaching content. The platform empowers teachers by helping them build their schools’ digital libraries, join lively communities of peers to share best practices, and connect their schools virtually with the world’s best research centres, museums and libraries.