GTTP news
Inspiring Science Education Hangouts
Chasing Comets: Wednesday, 2015-01-14, 18:00 UK time The solar system is littered with Ice. The bulk of this material orbits quietly in the outer Solar System, but sometimes, something disturbs the ice and the come plunging in toward the Sun. In this Hangout,...
ODS School Contest 2015
Take part in Open Discovery Space Innovative School Contest 2015 and win a trip to ODS Summer Academy in Greece!
Celebrate IYL2015 with Podcasts
365 Days of Astronomy Podcast Celebrates International Year of Light 2015 with NUCLIO.
Go-Lab Contest for Teachers
Go-Lab “Teaching Through Inquiry” Contest.
GTTP Newsletter: November 2014
November 2014 issue of GTTP newsletter is out!
Learning with Light and WIN!
Are you an inspiring teacher? Enter the ISE Competition and share your talents.