Europlanet’s September 2017 webinar will celebrate the end of the incredible Cassini mission and discuss some of the amazing discoveries Cassini-Huygens has made since 2004. The webinar will feature Dr Sheila Kanani, the Education, Outreach and Diversity Officer for the Royal Astronomical Society and former Cassini researcher, and be hosted by NUCLIO.
Title: Cassini-Huygens and The Lord of the Rings
Date: 13 September 2017
Time: 14:00 GMT / 16:00 CEST

Live with Dr Sheila Kanani
The flagship robotic orbiter, Cassini, and lander, Huygens, have provided us with a wealth of information about Saturn, its moons and its rings. By the time it ‘crashes’ into Saturn in September 2017, Cassini will have been in space for almost 20 years. Join Dr Sheila Kanani in celebrating the incredible spacecraft’s amazing mission and some of the breath taking discoveries it made, including a hexagonal storm that rages at Saturn’s north pole and an icy moon that could harbour life.