Credit: NASA/ESA and Jeff Hester (Arizona State University)
Our universe started as a fog of particles, but slight variations in density allowed the formation of stars, galaxies and the large-scale structures of the universe. In this Hangout we’ll discuss early structure formation and fast forward to today’s stars with planets.
Join the Hangout on Air 11 Wednesday, March at 18:00 (CET): https://plus.google.com/events/c4oobp4tvtrig1lr04dhq2kkkq0
This is series Hangouts on Astronomy and Planetary Science supported by Ellinogermaniki Agogi and NUCLIO in the framework of the European Science Education Academy and the Galileo Teacher Training Programme. Hangouts are hosted by Dr Pamela L. Gay. GTTP invite you to work along with the series to create classroom educational materials while earning badges as you progress.
More information: https://galileoteachers.org/resources/inspiring-science-education/