The International Astronomical Union launched the Cosmic Light programme addressing light pollution under the framework of International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies (IYL 2015). Following a public call that gathered many high quality proposals from around the world, the IAU has identified several key Cosmic Light cornerstone projects that will address the awareness of the problems caused by light pollution and the importance of understanding our Universe through cosmic light.

Cosmic Light Awareness – focused on involving schools around the globe in awareness campaigns, Light: Beyond the Bulb – an open-source international exhibition designed to showcase the incredible variety of light-based scienctific research being done today, Galileoscope – a low-cost easy-to-assemble telescope kit developed by a team of leading astronomers.

Cosmic Light Awareness cornerstone project further reaches through three key efforts;

  • The IYL2015 Dark Sky Meter App, already launched for iPhone. With this free app the user can get instant information about the night-sky quality and contribute directly to science.
  • The Cosmic Light EDU kit, which has launched its official website today. There, teachers will have access to a virtual kit that gathers many activities, tools and other resources on the topic of the science of light. This kit will feature continued support for teaching communities around the world, and a special component designed for children with visual impairments will be also incorporated.
  • The Quality Lighting Teaching Kit, focusing on light pollution awareness, will increase student and public awareness of quality lighting issues through online tutorials, teaching kits, and hands-on activities. The programme and kit will be disseminated to formal and informal audiences worldwide. And by choosing developing countries or countries most affected by poor quality lighting, this project seeks to produce a lasting legacy.