Where are you based:
Bandung, Indonesia
What do you do:
I dedicated my work for the society. The group I work with are a group built 6 years ago by me and friends to share astronomy and contributed our knowledge to education in Indonesia.
When did you first learn about GTTP:
2007 CAP Meeting in Athens. It was the first time I knew about International year of Astronomy. I know GTTP as one of the task group in IYA2009 and I also met Rosa for the first time in Athens and being introduced to GHOU and GTTP.
In which way are you involved with GTTP:
As a task force for Indonesia and doing teacher training.
Why did you decide to join GTTP:
I like the idea of GTTP to train teachers as the Galileo ambassadors in all area. Indonesia is very large country and by having ambassadors in each location, it will be effective to share basic knowledge of astronomy and its resource so it can be use everywhere.
How do you see GTTP in 10 years:
GTTP will have global network that reach very remote area in the world and build a strong community that inspire not just teachers but also students. In 10 years, GTTP network will build good education system and community for science.
Tips for teachers/educators around the world:
Keep inspiring the students and keep learning and do innovation.
Finish the sentence, “I think the teachers…”:
I think the teachers are the builder of our future community and leaders who will change the world to a better world.
What do you do in your spare time:
Read a book, writing stories & poems, watching movies, hang out with friends, traveling, computer games!
Image credit: “Venus Tranist Group” – Stanley Ferdinandus / Hekaleka. “Avivah Profile” – Agus Triono Pj.