From Thursday 16th to Saturday 18th of August 2018, a teacher training for secondary level teachers will be offered shortly before the General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union. During this teacher training, four topics; Astronomy in Society, Digital Media, Electromagnetic Spectrum, and Current Astronomy Research Projects, will be introduced in teaser talks by scientists and teachers will work on materials in several workshop sessions. The output of the teacher training should be;
- to stay up-to-date in current astrophysical research
- to receive materials which can be used in school education
- to make contact with researchers and research facilities
On the last day some main projects in astrophysics will be presented by specialists to give an insight into designing, planing and realisation of such projects and what is or will be the scientific outcome.
A preliminary program can be found here.
The course fee for 50 EUROS and includes the participation to all talks and workshops during the whole teacher training from Thu, 16th of August 2018 to Sat, 18th of August 2018. It also includes all coffee and lunch offers and a visit to the Planetarium Wien where a show in English language will be presented. European teachers can apply for Erasmus+ funding to attend the workshop.