2023 marked the return to in-person mode of the Global Hands-on Universe Conference!
Kagoshima University in Japan hosted the annual conference – GHOU 2023 – that took place from August 23rd to 27th, gathering scientists, educators, and science enthusiasts from all continents in an event that was not only face-to-face, but hybrid, allowing the online participation by registered participants via Zoom, and by anyone else interested using GHOU’s Facebook page.
This year, GHOU counted with more than 200 participants, with 50 countries represented; 50 oral presentations, 14 workshops, 2 roundtable discussions, and 3 keynote speakers.
Their passion for astronomy education, curiosity about the Universe, and the commitment to fostering a global community of learners have truly inspired the organizers.
On behalf of the organizing committee, NUCLIO/GTTP/GHOU wants to thank all the astronomers, researchers and educators that offered us all the amazing talks and workshops, bringing Astronomy and Science Education to a whole new level.

Check out the videos from the event and some photos on GHOU’s Facebook page and GTTP’s Twitter.
Videos of the various presentations and workshops will soon be available on the GTTP GHOU Youtube Channel.
Join us in the next GHOU and become part of this amazing global science network!