October 19th to October 23rd 2020
Due to the ongoing situation and travel restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the ESA – GTTP 2020 – A Journey to Space Exploration Missions Course will be held online.
This course is organised in the framework of teacher training activities of the European School Innovation Academy.

The European Space Agency and the Galileo Teacher Training Program join hands again to bring cutting edge training opportunities to all interested teachers. This time we will have the opportunity to (virtually) visit the Science Operations Centre of ESA in Madrid (Spain).
The European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC), ESA’s window to the Universe, welcomes teachers from all over the world. Make sure you take part in this online adventure. Meet the scientists, make a virtual visit of the facilities, and learn about the discoveries taking place there.

This year’s program is focusing on important topics of space exploration – Earth Observation, Mars Exploration, The Sun, Science and Society, Innovative and Inclusive STEAM education and more. The program includes presentations by scientists, hands-on activities, digital tools, research activities, virtual visits to the facility and observing sessions with robotic telescopes. The training is supported by the CESAR (Cooperation through Education in Science and Astronomy Research) team, the resident educational team at ESAC, and by a team from the IAC (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias), the Faulkes Telescope Education Team, National Schools’ Observatory and NUCLIO (the coordinator of the Galileo Teacher Training Program).
Participants will have opportunities to network and to establish a series of research projects in partnership with their colleagues and the scientists supporting the training. Take part in this training course and go back to your school with a research project in your hands.

Who can apply?
The workshop is open to teachers of all grade levels and subject domains willing to dive into a real STEAM experience (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths). We believe that learning improves when students are embedded in interdisciplinary experiences and in environments that seamlessly integrate horizontal (across subject domains) and vertical (across different grade levels) articulation.
Programme Topics
- ESA Missions Highlights: Copernicus and Galileo, Mars Express and ExoMars, SOHO and Gaia
- Lectures by researchers on current topics related to: Earth, Mars, Sun, Cosmic Vision, Science and Society
- Visits to: Galileo & SMOS control rooms, Mars Express & XMM control rooms, and more
- Innovative Methodologies: inquiry and project-based learning, interdisciplinary learning, design thinking, science communication for teachers, community building, etc.
- Space Exploration and Astronomy Software: Stellarium, Salsa J, ESA Sky, etc.
- Robotic Telescopes: Faulkes Telescope and Peter Telescope
- Hands-on activities: astrobiology, craters, seasons, supernovae, etc
Download the final program here.
The course will be offered online using videoconference software. A computer with internet connection is required to participate.
Practical Information
The working language will be English.
Fees & Funding
The course is free to participate! There are no fees involved.
It is necessary to register to receive the login credentials to the distance learning platform. Registration will be open until October 17th. Please complete the online application form in the link below.
Apply Here!!!
Faulkes Telescope
NSO – National Schools’ Observatory
A partner course to the European School Innovation Academy
With the support of Our Space our Future
Ana Costa (e-mail)