Several Global Hands-on Universe partners (France, Portugal, UK) are taking part on this European proposal that aims to introduce a new learning experience of science topics in school. This project, funded by the European Commission, will demonstrate ways to involve teachers and students in the use of existent e-infrastructures and reproduce in students the thrill of a scientific discovery.
Within the scope of this project a whole community of practitioners will be built composed by researchers, teachers, students, education authorities and local community. The designed experiences will be build using the Inquiry based learning approach and have as an essence the use of the scientific method as a tool to teach science. Students will have the opportunity to use robotic telescopes, astronomy data archives, CERN simulators among other powerful tools such as these.
The project contemplates several training events for educators and various demonstration activities for students at schools.
Students and teachers in Portugal being introduced to the Discover the Cosmos tools.
For more information: http://www.discoverthecosmos.eu