June 2, 2020 update
Due to the ongoing situation and travel restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly has been postponed to January 2021.
The GTTP training event will be offered as initially planned. Teachers can register at the COSPAR website for a reduced fee.
For reference, the original announcement is listed below.
15th to 22nd of August, 2020 | Sidney, Australia

Are you a scientist or an educator? In 2020 we are partnering with the local organizers of COSPAR in Australia to organize a teacher/scientist training event during COSPAR 2020. The event will take place at the International Convention Centre in Sidney.
We are planning a 3 day training event open to educators and scientists attending COSPAR 2020. This year’s program will include very interesting topics: Space Exploration and Inclusion, Nobel Prize Physics in the Classroom, Art and Science in a Global Science Opera, Reflections for an Innovative School and much more. For scientists there will be a special session dedicated to Space Research Communication with Schools – How to bring your research to the hands of students.
The COSPAR – GTTP initiative aims to bring space research closer to the classroom reality. Participants will be trained by scientists and have the opportunity to interact with researchers coming from all over the world. More than 100 sessions are foreseen. Topics like space and solar physics, space situational awareness, planetary science, astrobiology, and space technology will be discussed during the Assembly. Educators will have the opportunity to see the latest progresses and discoveries in space research.
Who can apply?
The course is open to teachers of all grade levels and subject domains willing to dive into a real STEAM experience (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths). We believe that learning improves when students are embedded in interdisciplinary experiences and in environments that seamlessly integrate horizontal (across subject domains) and vertical (across different grade levels) articulation.
Scientists attending COSPAR are also welcome to attend or present something during the course.
A minimum of 10 participants is required for the course to take place.
Preliminary Programme Topics
- Lectures by researchers on current topics related Space Research
- Participation in all public and plenary talks
- Innovative Methodologies: Inquiry and project-based learning, interdisciplinary learning, design thinking, science communication for teachers, community building, etc.
- Space Exploration and Astronomy Software: Stellarium, Salsa J, Mitaka, etc.
- Robotic Telescopes
- Radio Astronomy in the Classroom
- Space and STEAM Education
- Hands-on Research in Classroom: exoplanets, supernovae, black holes
International Convention Centre, Sydney
Practical Information
Practical information is available at the COSPAR website.
Fees & Funding
Educators will be entitled to participate with a special fee.
To be eligible to receive this support, applicants should register at BOTH the COSPAR website and GTTP website.
Additionally, applicants should submit their funding requests using this form available at the COSPAR website.
Please choose Meeting Number “PE.1” on item 4 of the Financial Support Application.
Only applications fulfilling all the above requirements will be considered.
Additional information on financial support can be found at this page.
The deadline for financial support is February 23, 2020.
Apply Here!!!
Ana Costa (e-mail)