Date: 16-24 July 2022
Venue: Athens, Greece

The 44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, COSPAR 2022, will be held in Athens, Greece, and will be a hybrid event, with hopefully dominant in-person participation, but with the capability for virtual participation.
The objectives of COSPAR Assemblies are “to promote on an international level scientific research in space, with emphasis on the exchange of results, information and opinions and to provide a forum, open to all scientists, for the discussion of problems that may affect scientific space research”.
The COSPAR Panel on Education – development of means and media for the encouragement and spread of space related education – will hold training sessions and other events during the COSPAR Assembly. The Panel invites teachers of all grade levels and subject domains willing to dive into a real STEAM experience to participate in these events:
COSPAR PE.1: Space Explorers in Schools – Empowering the Next Generation of Researchers
COSPAR 2022 PE.1 aims to bridge the gap between educators and researchers in the field of space exploration. COSPAR is the perfect stage to enable these interactions and bring both worlds, education, and research, closer together in a mutually beneficial relationship.
A series of training events will be offered to the participants supported and implemented by researchers in the field of space exploration and education.
These training events, organized by NUCLIO with support from EA and the COSPAR Panel on Education, are especially devoted to the exchange of best practices for STEAM education with a focus on Space Exploration in schools.
In addition to the usual slots during the COSPAR 2022, there will be an embedded event for educators co-organized by the LOC and local institutions devoted to science outreach and education in Greece.
Ellinogermaniki Agogi will offer workshops, a visit to the school facilities, and to the school astronomical observatory.
PE.1 will take place from July 19 to July 22. More info can be found here. Download the workshop program here.

Registration for PE.1
In order to participate in the workshop, you need to register for the COSPAR Scientific Assembly here.
COSPAR PE.2: Current Trends, Initiatives and Research in Education and Outreach for Space Sciences
COSPAR-22-PE.2 will address the issues related to research in education for Space Sciences. It will feature also the various initiatives from teachers, educators, and scientists engaged in education and public outreach in COSPAR-related fields. We will also address the following topics:
- Current trends for education and outreach in space science
- Citizen space sciences
- Space literacy
- Use of small and nanosatellites
- Use of Big Data in the classroom and for outreach
- Effective open access for schools
- User-friendly software for education
- Space Sciences in the curricula
- Space in our modern life
We call for research studies and experiences from educators and researchers in the above-mentioned fields.
IMPORTANT: If you intend to participate in PE.1 and also want to present a work in PE.2, please contact us as soon as possible via email
The DEADLINE for Abstract submissions is 18 February 2022. Submit your abstract here.
COSPAR 2022 Scientific Assembly Information
COSPAR 2022 Venue: Megaron, Athens International Conference Centre
Abstract Submission Deadline: 18 February 2022
Early Registration Deadline: 29 April 2022