Jan 3, 2018 | Courses
Dates: 3-8 September 2018
Venue: Cardiff, Wales
In this course, teachers will get to explore astronomical sites in the UK while generating inquiring minds as one Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate with a live example of the scientific methods. The course is held at the Cardiff University.
Jan 2, 2018 | Courses
Dates: 4-10 October 2018
Venue: Innsbruck, Austria
In this course, teachers will be led through these subjects in a series of discussions and interactive lectures that will also focus on a state-of-the-art overview of Solar System exploration. The course will be held in Innsbruck at the Austrian Space Forum.
Dec 13, 2017 | Courses
Dates: November 2018
Venue: ESTEC, The Netherlands
ESA together with the GTTP organise an annual workshop for teachers, covering practical sessions, inquiry-based learning, and lectures from ESA scientists, with a tour of ESA.