We have 2 new Gruntvig training events for the next call of applications (deadline September 16th)


© Babak Tafreshi (TWAN)*

  • Mysterious Skies – Astronomy and Astro-Art (in partnership with TWAN)
  • Universe Quest – Building Games for Education (in partnership with Learnit3D)


In order to participate in these training events you need to fill the pre-registration form. We will send you a certificate or your pre-registration. With this document you have to apply to your national Comenius and Gruntvig Agency. If you succeed in your application you have to let us know (geral@nuclio.pt) or (info@galileoteachers.org) as soon as possible in order to confirm your participation and give you further information related to the course payment and other practical details.

More information about the courses:

Mysterious Skies – Astronomy and Astro-Art – A training event promoted in partnership with TWAN (The World at Night – http://www.twanight.org )

Course Reference Number – PT-2012-069-001


Date: April 16th to 21st , 2012

Location: Portugal – Centro de Interpretação Ambiental da Pedra do Sal em São Pedro do Estoril and Planetário Calouste Gulbenkian (Lisbon)

This training event was prepared for an adult audience with interest in new methodologies to address science and science related topics using as a guideline: Astronomy, Astrophotography and Art, especially in the artistically view of the heavens. The best practices included in this training include: The use of amateur and professional astronomers’ techniques for observing and photographing the skies; The use of Research Based Projects to teach science; Planetarium software addressing the view of the sky since early ages of human evolution until the modern definition of constellations; The use of hands-on materials, based on the use of readily available material such as sundial, planispheres, spectroscopes and small telescopes.

The team of educators for this training event was carefully selected to address the different topics in a deep but also pedagogical approach. The design of the programme includes lectures followed by theoretical practical sessions and practical sessions where the participants will have the opportunity to hear about modern knowledge and challenges involved in each area of expertise. Field trips to visit a planetarium, historical places and to observe the night sky are also contemplated in the training. The approach that will be used in this training was successfully implemented in several education venues promoted by TWAN (http://www.twanight.org), the Dark Skies Awareness educational programme and the Galieo Teacher Training Programme (www.galileoteachers.org).


Universe Quest – Building Games for Education – A training event promoted in partnership with Learnit3D (http://www.learnit3d.com/)

Course Reverence Number – PT-2012-068-002


Date: Jan 16th to 20st , 2012

Location: Portugal – Centro de Interpretação Ambiental da Pedra do Sal em São Pedro do Estoril and Planetário Calouste Gulbenkian (Lisbon)

Date: March 26th to 30th , 2012

Location: UK – Queen’s University – Belfast

This training event was prepared for an adult audience with interest in new methodologies to address science and science related topics using as a guideline: Educational Games, Scientific Illustration and Astronomy. Games for education are considered nowadays one of the Holy Grail for engaging students and inspiring them in science topics. ICT and games are part of their daily lives and its pedagogical capability is overwhelming. The main objective of this training is to prepare adult trainers in the use of serious games for education and to provide practical examples of its power for addressing real data handling (Research Based Science Education) while promoting the learning of different science topics in a learn by doing approach.

The team of educators for this training event was carefully selected to address the different topics in a deep but also pedagogical approach. The design of the programme includes lectures followed by theoretical practical sessions and practical sessions where the participants will have the opportunity to hear about modern knowledge and challenges involved in each area of expertise. Field trips to visit a planetarium, historical places and to observe the night sky are also contemplated in the training. The approach that will be used in this training was successfully implemented in several education venues promoted by University of California at Berkeley, Learnit 3D (experts in games for education) and the Galileo Teacher Training Programme.


The list of Comenius and Gruntvig national agencies can be found here: http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-programme/doc1208_en.htm


TWAN is a project of Astronomers Without Borders (www.astrowb.org).