We are pleased to announce that with the support of the Las Cumbres Global Observatory and Telescope Network (LCOGT) we are issuing a new call for proposals. The main aim of these small grants is to provide seed funding and basic support in order to stimulate teacher training workshops in developing regions.

Note that although this funding is aimed specifically at “developing countries”, exceptions with appropriate motivation will be accepted – the main concern simply being who the beneficiaries would be. Proposals should also be in alignment with the GTTP goals listed in detail in www.galileoteacher.org.

These grants (up to 500 Euro) are intended to simply act as a stimulus to support organizations which are enthusiastic about improving the science teaching in classroom worldwide. Efficient use of these funds to train teachers capable of further train other peers and successfully implement the learned resources and tools in classroom would result in a solid start of a local community for the global GTTP effort.

Dead line for the submission is August 31st !!!!!

The funds shall be used to:

  • Produce educational material to distribution to workshop participants

  • Travel and subsistence for teachers attending the workshop, when needed

You can help fund this effort

GTTP has already secured funding to support 8 workshops thanks to the generous contribution of LCOGT. You can help by making a small contribution using the following button.

You can check the evolution of the contributions and the rational behind the decision to ask for donations in this page.

Funding Conditions

  1. Funding will be limited to a maximum of 500 Euros per proposal

  2. Only one proposal per country will be selected.

  3. Only completed application forms will be considered.

  4. Successful applicants will be required to sign a Terms of Reference and abide by the grant’s reporting criteria


Selection Criteria

The following criteria will be considered in the selection of projects.

  1. Alignment with the goals of the Galileo Teacher Training Programme.

  2. Quality and relevance of workshop content.

  3. Innovativeness and creativity of approach.

  4. Clear timeline indicators.

  5. Cost effectiveness of the project including a detailed budget.

  6. The trainers background and expertise for the specific topics addressed during the workshop.

  7. Degree of impact of the project with potential for sustainability.


Proposal Evaluation

The proposals will be reviewed and evaluated by members of the GTTP Task Group in consultation with the LCOGT.


Proposal Requirements

All proposals must be submitted in completed application forms using the following link: http://www.site.galileoteachers.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=148&Itemid=50

Or alternatively sent to:

Largo dos Topázios, 48 – 3 F
2785-817 São Domingos de Rana

It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that the proposal has been received in order. All proposals received will be acknowledged by email.


Closing Date

The deadline for submitting proposals is close of business on August 31st 2011

All applicants will receive feedback regarding the decision during October 2011



Rosa Doran (Chair of GTTP)

Office Telephone: +351 214 537 358

Mobile Phone : +351 966 781 264

Email : info@galileoteachers.org

Website: www.galileoteachers.org