Date: 25th to 30th of April 2022
Venue: Observatório do Lago do Alqueva, Monsaraz, Portugal
ASSESS: Empowering teachers to innovate in student assessment
Join the course that aims to revolutionize student assessment!
Do you find yourself wondering how you can improve the way you assess your students? Do you feel lost when you innovate in the way you teach but can’t find the right way to assess your students accordingly? Have you ever wondered about the purpose of student assessment and why it matters? If so, this course is for you! If not, then it is also for you!
Join us in this training course to learn how you can innovate in the way you assess your students, readjust their relationship with assessment, and focus on the development of skills, embedding a new mindset on diversity and inclusion. Your experience as a teacher will be appreciated as you will be able to offer your view on the subject and contribute to the creation of a meaningful student assessment approach.
This course will include the following main topics:
- Assessing to grow, not to judge! – An innovative student assessment framework – how can we be holistic when assessing students and how can we integrate the principles of Equity, Diversity, and UDL (Universal Design for Learning) in order to personalize the assessment?
- Presentation of the Assessment toolkit developed by the ASSESS project: Learn how to use innovative assessment tools like checklists and rubrics and generate automatic progress graphics to share with students.
- Presentation of the Assessment App developed in the ASSESS project: Install the ASSESS app and explore how you can use it to perform formative and summative assessments in your class.
- The ASSESS training course: How can we create our own assessment tools and design an effective assessment adjusted to our students? The Design Thinking approach as an effective way of personalizing student assessment.
- ASSESS ambassador: Explore the possibility of joining our team of ambassadors and learn how to present the project to others and to monitor and support implementation in the schools.
Download the full program here.
Who can apply?
Any teacher from any grade level and subject domain, interested in learning about student assessment and contributing to the creation of an innovative methodology.
The course fee for Erasmus+ applicants is 480€ for 6 days: 80€/day. The fee covers:
– All materials needed for the course;
– One astronomical session by the observatory;
– Coffee Breaks and cultural visits.
This training course is jointly organized by the partners of the ASSESS project: NUCLIO, University of Deusto, Ellinogermaniki Agogi, and InovLabs. Learn more about these organizations here:
Registration will be open until April 15.
Please make your pre-registration here.
For questions related to the training: Priscila Doran
For questions related to logistics: Ana Costa